quotations about zombies

I half expect a zombie to show up on Sesame Street and hang out with the Count.


"A visit with zombie-film king Romero", The Washington Times, Aug. 26, 2010

Yeah, okay. You're right. I was having dinner with Zombie Carl the other night. You know, steak, rare, and a bottle of vintage type A. He told me all his secrets, but too bad for you I promised him I wouldn't tell. In exchange I asked him to gather his best undead buddies and stalk me through my friend's yard. And oh, yeah, it was totally fine if they wanted to use me as an all-night-dinner buffet, because having organs is SO last year.


Alice in Zombieland

The flesh-eating ghouls of were an obvious symptom of social disorder. Romero himself was always anxious to play down their allegorical significance, but that didn't stop critics from trying to pin something on them. The packs of zombies--shambling, entranced, menacing--were variously interpreted as Nixon's "silent majority" risen from their condos or as the returning waves of corpses from Vietnam.


Aftershocks: The End of Style Culture

Tags: Vietnam War

One could dismiss the zombie trend as merely feeding a mass public that craves the strange and bizarre. Such an explanation would be only skin-deep. Popular culture often provides a window into the subliminal or unstated fears of citizens, and zombies are no exception. Some cultural commentators argue that the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are a primary cause for renewed interest in the living dead, and the numbers appear to back up this assertion.


Theories of International Politics and Zombies

It's their strangeness. They are so slow and inept, but they don't appear to have any motive or moral rage. They are eerie and hungry.


interview, "The Zombies Live", TAlkTAlk

Modern zombies are now more than just fictional monsters that allow people to catharically deal with the horrors of the post-9/11 era; they are "meaning machines" that have become the "allegory of the moment," embraced not only by the entertainment industry but also by academic and professional disciplines beyond film and cultural studies as a valid subject of investigation and critical study.


How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture: The Multifarious Walking Dead in the 21st Century

I used to lie in bed in my flat and imagine what would happen if there was a zombie attack.


interview, "The Zombies Live", TAlkTAlk

There's something just as unsettling [about] the subtle undead as there is about dramatically rotting flesh.


"100 Years Of Zombie Evolution Is Perhaps The Grossest Thing You'll Feast Your Eyes On Today", Bustle

Zombies are the physical enactment of death, a constant reminder of a violent end that awaits all.


Remaking History: The Past in Contemporary Historical Fictions

Okay, well zombies are death porn: the culture is exhausted with erotic imagery, so it turns to thanatos instead. Abortion? Zombies are our collective nightmare of all of the children that have been murdered coming back to life and devouring the mothers that devoured them. Consumerism? Zombies are exactly like people on Black Friday soullessly fighting over children's toys -- they even "consume" brains and there was that one zombie movie that was even set in a mall. Rugged individualism? Well, the entire zombie genre is really a way of justifying the feeling that one is in a survivalist struggle against innumerable others who aren't really human.


"It's Lent, American Civilization is Crumbling, Let's Talk About Zombies", Patheos, March 9, 2017

Neither angels nor cyborg-vampires but basely material, [zombies] embody not joyous states to come, but states, beliefs and habits that recur with possibility of supercession, shadowy figures of a permanent and inescapable contemporaneity unable to achieve distance from itself and incapable of moving on.


"Post-millennial monsters: monstrosity-no-more", The Gothic World

As if zombies needed to be any more disturbing, The Walking Dead has decided to give them armor.


"Here's What's Up With That Crazy New Walker in The Walking Dead", Inverse, February 8, 2017