quotations about words

All of life in its complexity and beauty is forever minted in the gold of words.



Tags: Yevgeny Zamyatin

Words can only hurt you if you try to read them. Don't play their game!



There have been countless nights now that I have sat at my computer staring at a blank screen, in hopes I could find some words to describe the feelings and thoughts that have been going through my head. Countless nights where I lay awake disappointed with the fact another night went by, and still I was stuck with nothing. I never really understood why kids in my classes over the years hated writing papers, but now I understand more than ever. Not being able to find the right words to describe the thoughts going through you head absolutely sucks.


"I write because to me, words are beautiful", Chicago Now, January 25, 2016

Written, spoken or read I've always been amazed how one or two words could encourage someone to keep going. Or a devastating sentence could painfully break a person's heart. Even a simple written phrase could change someone's life forever.


"Words Are Powerful -- My Journey With Words", Huffington Post, March 14, 2017

Words are the only bullets in truth's bandolier. And poets are the snipers.



Tags: Dan Simmons

I am spoken to not in words, which come to me quaint and veiled, but in signs, in conformations of face and hands, in postures of shoulders and feet, in nuances of tune and tone, in gaps and absences whose grammar has never been recorded.


In the Heart of the Country

Words of the jargon sound as if they said something higher than what they mean.


Jargon of Authenticity

Words frequently surrender power to the opposer.



Prowling the meanings of a word, prowling the history of a person, no use expecting a flood of light. Human words have no main switch. But all those little kidnaps in the dark. And then the luminous, big, shivering, discandied, unrepentant, barking web of them that hangs in your mind when you turn back to the page you were trying to translate...



Tags: Anne Carson

Words are not necessary to one's experience of the true life.


Point Omega

Words once sequenced into phrases were never done with but recycled themselves in perpetuity.


Provinces of Night

Just pick words and put one of them after the other like a baby learning to walk, like a drunk carefully crossing the street.


Provinces of Night

Tags: William Gay

Contrary to what some people have tried to imply, the meaning of a word can be, to a great extent, a subjective experience. After all, words are really just ideas. Those ideas are layered in experiences unique to each individual's perspective. That means that we may not be using our terms in the same exact manner as we might think others are. If that isn't bad enough, those unique ideas might, or might not be rooted in fact. These things should force us to reflect on the thought that perhaps even the few words we do use are not as well defined or universal as some would have us believe.


"How much do words really matter?", Southgate News Herald, March 9, 2017

Today it is even more important to acknowledge that words should matter and are very important. That importance, however, stems from them being the only game in town. That is, they are, for most of us, the only tool we have to communicate. While this is true I must also say that today no one should worship words, because on close inspection they do not hold up to scrutiny.


"How much do words really matter?", Southgate News Herald, March 9, 2017

Last words are only words.



Tags: Cormac McCarthy

Words come in many varieties. They show actions and feelings; they demonstrate obtuse or abstract ideas or they express concrete notions. Often we divide words into simple words, everyday language, and complicated or complex words, and words that should express subtleties. Often we use words not to be clear but to obfuscate our intentions and hide our real meanings. These are the words that at first sound wonderful but upon examining, we come to realize that they are veils hiding truth and vehicles of confusion.


"What words can really mean in life", The Eagle, February 6, 2016

You know, without my telling you, how sometimes a word or name eludes you, and you seek it through running ghosts of shadow -- leaping at it, lying in wait for it to spring upon it, spreading faint snares for it of sense or sound: until, of a sudden, as if in a phantom forest, you hear it, see it flash among the branches, and scarcely knowing how, suddenly have it.


The House of Dust

Tags: Conrad Aiken

Whether they are growls of anger, the laughter of happiness or cries of sadness, humans pay more attention when an emotion is expressed through vocalisations than we do when the same emotion is expressed in speech. It takes just one-tenth of a second for our brains to begin to recognise emotions conveyed by vocalisations, a study said. The researchers believe that the speed with which the brain 'tags' these vocalisations and the preference given to them compared to language, is due to the potentially crucial role that decoding vocal sounds has played in human survival.


"We are better at detecting laughter than words", Z News, January 19, 2016

In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold;
Alike fantastic, if too new, or old:
Be not the first by whom the new are tried,
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.


An Essay on Criticism

Tags: Alexander Pope

The words we speak have such power, and we have the power to choose them wisely.


"Choosing our words wisely for encouragement", Deming Headlight, January 28, 2016