quotations about taxes

If you master your destiny, you will find out there is a destiny tax.


Quote Me

The continual whine of lamenting the burden of taxes, however successfully it may be practiced in mixed governments, is inconsistent with the sense and spirit of a republic. If taxes are necessary, they are of course advantageous, but if they require an apology, the apology itself implies an impeachment. Why, then, is man imposed upon, or why does he impose upon himself?


Rights of Man

Above all things, a tax attorney must be an indefatigable skeptic; he must discount everything he hears and reads. The market place abounds with unsound avoidance schemes which will not stand the test of objective analysis and litigation. The escaped tax, a favorite topic of conversation at the best clubs and the must sumptuous pleasure resorts, expands with repetition into fantastic legends. But clients want opinions with happy endings, and he smiles best who smiles last. It is wiser to state misgivings at the beginning than to have to acknowledge them ungracefully at the end. The tax adviser has, therefore, to spend a large part of his time advising against schemes of this character. I sometimes think that the most important word in his vocabulary is "No".


The Lawyer as Tax Adviser

If you make any money, the government shoves you in the creek once a year with it in your pockets, and all that don't get wet you can keep.


Will Rogers Speaks

The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling.


stand-up routine

Recognizing that all taxes have negative effects, a "good" tax is broad-based--it affects everybody. It has a low rate and does not have loopholes. When a tax is broad-based and has a low rate, everyone pays something but no one pays too much.


"Is there a 'good' tax?", Jackson County Chronicle, May 31, 2017

People who avoid taxes, like corporations that move to Bermuda or look for big tax cuts, are not paying their dues to their country. You use our banking system, our Treasury, our roads, our schools to train your workers, our sewers, our governmental protections, our court systems. It is patriotic to be a taxpayer. It is traitorous to desert your country and not pay your dues, putting the burden on people with less means to support your business. Do your duty to the country. Pay your fair share of taxes.


"Taxes are like US membership fees", Missoulian, May 31, 2017

I have only one thing to say to the tax increasers: Go ahead, make my day.


speech, March 13, 1985

Tags: Ronald Reagan

An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy.


McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819

Tags: Daniel Webster

Taxes are like the wheat poured into the public hopper; rent, in whatever form, may be described as the flour that comes from the public mill. The privileged man, who is allowed to carry off the grist, eats his bread, as it were, at the taxpayer's expense.


The ABC of Taxation

The Founding Fathers realized that "the power to tax is the power to destroy," which is why they did not give the Federal government the power to impose an income tax. Needless to say, the Founders would be horrified to know that Americans today give more than a third of their income to the Federal government.


speech, April 30, 2009

To please universally was the object of his life; but to tax and to please, no more than to love and to be wise, is not given to men.


speech on American taxation, House of Commons, April 19, 1774

Tags: Edmund Burke

The current tax code is a daily mugging.


Labor Day address in Independence, Missouri, October 2, 1985

Tags: Ronald Reagan

Death and taxes and childbirth! There's never any convenient time for any of them!


Gone With the Wind

Tags: Margaret Mitchell

I don't think meals have any business being deductible. I'm for separation of calories and corporations.


Wall Street Journal, July 15, 1985

Tags: Ralph Nader

The Largest business in the world is collecting U.S. tax dollars.


Quote Me

Taxes are collected by governments in order to finance their expenditures and also for purposes of stabilization, distribution and allocation. Particular taxes may cause changes in people's behaviour and have an impact on aggregate demand that, therefore, influences the level of economic activity. Taxes are the instruments through which governments redistribute income and wealth and, moreover, they are an integral part of a government's fiscal policy as they are used to stabilize aggregate demand.


Modern State Intervention

Taxes are like membership dues. We pay them to fund our priorities -- the services and programs we care about -- and they are also an investment in our country's future. They go back into our communities and pay for things we value, like Medicare and Social Security. But ... because our political system has allowed the tax system to be manipulated by moneyed special interests, we have a tax system that fails to accurately reflect my priorities.


"Tax Day 2017: Taxes and All the Feels", National Priorities, April 18, 2017

Printing money is merely taxation in another form. Rather than robbing citizens of their money, government robs their money of its purchasing power.


"Peering into the Abyss", March 29, 2009

Some taxpayers close their eyes, some stop their ears, some shut their mouths, but all pay through the nose.


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