quotations about spirituality
Your life is your spiritual path. It's what's right in front of you. You can't live anyone else's life. The task is to live yours and stop trying to copy one you think looks better.
Stepping Off the Edge: Learning & Living Spiritual Practice
Nothing is more repulsive than a furtively prurient spirituality; it is just as unsavory as gross sensuality.
Marriage as a Psychological Relationship
Spirituality is understanding the inherent limitations of the material world. When that becomes clear to us, we can live in a manner that allows us to experience the infinite peace that is our true nature.
"Hugging saint embraces Torontonians", Toronto Sun, July 9, 2017
Spiritual high water mark is seldom if ever attained except by a gradual rise in the tide of principle.
attributed, Day's Collacon
When you approach spirituality as an adventure of being alive, you start as you would any adventure--with a sense of mystery and not-knowing. Instead of searching for answers that make you feel safe, you set out into the vastness of life and death, with a willingness to continually grow. You open up to the possibility that your ordinary life is an extraordinary adventure, and that your joys and sorrows have meaning. Spiritual practice becomes your rudder, offering direction and insight and discretion as you venture into the unknown.
The Seeker's Guide: Making Your Life a Spiritual Adventure
Spirituality is a space where lovers meet and in the meeting God is found.
The Audacity of Spirit: The Meaning and Shaping of Spirituality Today
Spirituality is fearlessness. It is a way of looking boldly at this life we have been given, here, now, on earth, as this human being.
The New American Spirituality
Spirituality which comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning "breath of life" is a way of being and experiencing that comes through awareness of a transcendental dimension and that is characterized by certain identifiable values in regard to self, others, nature, life and whatever one considers to be the Ultimate.
Beyond Religion
Spirituality is universal. It is available to every human being ... It is a human phenomenon. This does not mean that it has no divine component, but it does mean that spirituality is an inborn, natural potential of the human being.
Beyond Religion
Spirituality is the place where we meet primordial reality and wrestle with the forces of primordial experience that date back to the very origins of our human lives. It is a space for self-knowledge and self-transcendence and the processes they set in train. It is the space where we encounter the forces of shadow and repression and interpret or misinterpret them, contain them safely as we respond to the upward call of the divine and the awe-inspiring wonder of God, or give way to the darker powers of disorder and destruction.
The Audacity of Spirit: The Meaning and Shaping of Spirituality Today
It is in our wild nature that we best recover from our un-nature, our spirituality.
Twilight of the Idols