quotations about kids
Not having kids is saying one big no. No to the same thing over and over and over. So that you can say yes to everything else. Having kids is saying one big yes so that you can say a million little nos in the hopes that you might end up with a child who is alive and has a good conscience and boundaries and plan for living without being too afraid. I picked one big no and a million little yeses. I didn't want to say no all the time. I'm already such a negative person. Cheerful, but negative.
"Not's Landing", No Kidding: Women Writers on Bypassing Parenthood
Children's games are hardly games. Children are never more serious than when they play.
You know, once you give birth, once you have kids, you realize what's important in life, and you realize it's really not difficult to be a good person. And so when people aren't good around me, I tend to move away from that. There are so many good people in the world, and you want to surround your children with that.
Having kids is like living with your heart outside your body, vulnerable to the world's influences and temptations and endless germs. Having children absolutely forces you to trust God in ways you never imagined.
Hiding from the Kids in My Prayer Closet
A child should not be denied a balloon because an adult knows that sooner or later it will burst.
attributed, Inspirational Quotes, Notes, & Anecdotes That Honor Teachers and Teaching
We must all work to make the world worthy of its children.
attributed, Inspirational Quotes, Notes, & Anecdotes That Honor Teachers and Teaching
Having kids isn't compulsory. You don't have to do it. But if you do decide you're going to go for it, you have to be prepared to put the kids first. No, that doesn't mean giving them everything they want--often the reverse is the case. But it does mean making decisions based on what's good for them, not what's good for you.
Make the Most of Your Life
For some of us, our kids aren't quite like we imagined. Their temperament is a blend of both Dad and Mom, and we're not quite sure how to manage that. As they get older, we realize they don't have the interests we thought they would have or that we wanted them to have. Their talents are different from ours. They don't like the same things we like. They struggle in ways we don't understand. They don't make the decisions we'd make. Sometimes they don't make good decisions at all!
No More Perfect Kids: Love Your Kids for Who They Are
I learn things from my kids constantly. Most of their knowledge comes from Snapple caps.
TV Guide
Kids are like a wrecking crew. But messier. And louder.
Charming the Firefighter
Nothing you do for a child is ever wasted.
Leaving Home
Kids are like sponges. They imitate the parents talking and actions. That is how they learn. That's who they become.
Make Our Kids Happy
Parents today feel like kids are a burden. That's not what the Bible calls them. It doesn't say, "Behold, children are a burden of the Lord," or "Burdened is the man whose quiver is full of them." Our views have become distorted. What we see as a burden, God sees as a blessing. Some of us need to knock the windows out of our corrupted views and let the Spirit of God come into our homes and refresh our hearts and minds so we can see clearly again that children are a blessing.
Moments Together for Parents
Kids! You can talk and talk till your face is blue
Kids! But they still do just what they want to do
Why can't they be like we were, perfect in every way?
What's the matter with kids today?
"Kids", Bye Bye Birdie
My reason for not having kids is that Porsche in my driveway.
Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed
If you could meet your grandkids as elderly citizens in the year 2100 ... you would view them as being, basically, Greek gods ... that's where we're headed.
"Captain Michio and the World of Tomorrow", The Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2012
Kids are like plants: some are like cactuses and need little water but lots of sunshine, others are like African violets and need diffuse light and moist soil, and still others are like tomatoes and will truly excel if you give them a little fertilizer.
Team Geek
Sometimes, you have to take a risk to give your kids what you want to give them.
Deal or No Deal, November 5, 2008
Kids are like sponges. There's no way around it. What you do, say, or show them will have an impact on their future.
The Single Girl's Guide to Marrying a Man, His Kids, and His Ex-wife
Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones