quotations about Heaven

When all the world dissolves,
And every creature shall be purified,
All places shall be hell that are not heaven.


Doctor Faustus

Tags: Christopher Marlowe

What, after all, is Heaven but a transition, from dim guesses and blind struggling with a mysterious and adverse fate, to the fullness of all wisdom.


The Student: A Series of Papers

Tags: Edward Bulwer Lytton

Heaven is the day of which grace is the dawn; the rich, ripe fruit of which grace is the lovely flower; the inner shrine of that most glorious temple to which grace forms the approach and outer court.


Christ and the Inheritance of the Saints

Heaven will be inherited by every man who has heaven in his soul.


Life Thoughts

Tags: Henry Ward Beecher

No fountain so small but that Heaven may be imaged in its bosom.


American Note-Books, 1836

Tags: Nathaniel Hawthorne

All the way to Heaven is heaven because He said, "I am the Way."


attributed, My God and My All: The Life of St. Francis of Assisi

O the novelty, the beauty, the grandeur of the heaven of heavens, the house not made with hands, the city that hath foundations infinitely surpassing the temple of Solomon, and the city of David! Beautiful was the earthly paradise, and beautiful the earthly Canaan; yea, beautiful is this habitable earth, where many of the enemies of God reside. What then must be the heavenly paradise, the heavenly Canaan, which God hath prepared for them that love him!


"On the Happiness of Heaven", Select Essays Doctrinal & Practical on a Variety of the Most Important and Interesting Subjects in Divinity

Heaven is not a state of mind. Heaven is reality itself. All that is fully real is Heavenly.


The Great Divorce

Tags: C. S. Lewis

Heaven is not a place, and it is not a time. Heaven is being perfect.


Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Tags: Richard Bach

I tell you, Heaven is a real, literal, physical place, a city as material, as physical, as literal as Chicago or London or New York or Tokyo.


Bible Facts about Heaven

Tags: John R. Rice

There was no pain when I awoke,
No pain at all. Rest, like a goad,
Spurred my eyes open -- and light broke
Upon them like a million swords:
And she was there. There are no words.

Heaven is for a moment's span.
And ever.


"The Quality of Courage", Young Adventure

Tags: Stephen Vincent Benet

I dare not think that any supercelestial heaven, or whatsoever else ... was increate and eternal. And as for the place of God before the world created, the finite wisdom of mortal men hath no perception of it; neither can it limit the seat of infinite power, no more than infinite power itself can be limited; for his place is in himself, whom no magnitude else can contain.


The First Part of the History of the World: Intreating of the Beginning and First Ages of the Same

Tags: Sir Walter Raleigh

Were there a country on earth uniting all that is beautiful in nature, all that is great in virtue, genius, and the liberal arts, and numbering among its citizens the most illustrious patriots, poets, philosophers, philanthropists of our age, how eagerly should we cross the ocean to visit it! And how immeasurably greater is the attraction of heaven! There live the elder brethren of the creation, the sons of the morning, who sang for joy at the creation of our race; there the great and good of all ages and climes; the friends, benefactors, deliverers, ornaments of their race; the patriarch, prophet, apostle, and martyr; the true heroes of public, and still more of private, life; the father, mother, husband, wife, child, who, unrecorded by man, have walked before God in the beauty of love and self-sacrificing virtue. There are all who have built up in our hearts the power of goodness and truth, the writers from whose pages we have received the inspiration of pure and lofty sentiments, the friends whose countenances have shed light through our dwellings, and peace and strength through our hearts. There they are gathered together, safe from every storm, and triumphant over every evil; and they say to us, Come and join us in our everlasting blessedness; come and bear part in our song of praise; share our adoration, friendship, progress, and works of love.



Tags: William E. Channing

When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers,
The moon and the stars that you have prepared,
What is mortal man that you keep him in mind,
And a son of man that you take care of him?


Psalms 8:3-4

Heaven is not reached at a single bound;
But we build the ladder by which we rise
From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies,
And we mount to its summit round by round.



Tags: Josiah Gilbert Holland

Heaven is not like flying or swimming, but has something to do with blackness and a strong glare.


North & South

Tags: Elizabeth Bishop

The Saviour said He was going to prepare us a place. How wonderful it will be is beyond human computation. Remember that in six days Christ made the heavens and earth and all that in them is.... If He made so many wonders in six days, then what beauties and marvels He has surely prepared during these 1900 years in which He has been preparing our mansions in the Father's House!


Bible Facts about Heaven

Tags: John R. Rice

Amid the discords of this life, it is blessed to think of heaven, where God draws after him an everlasting train of music; for all thoughts are harmonious and all feelings vocal, and so there is round about his feet eternal melody.


Life Thoughts

Tags: Henry Ward Beecher

Of all the inventions of man I doubt whether any was more easily accomplished than that of a Heaven.


"Notebook L", Aphorisms

Tags: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

We speak of Paradise, and we speak of Heaven. At times they seem far off and distant to us. But there is no need for us to change our place, or even planet, in order to enter on these regions. We only need that, when we put off these our bodies, we put off also our present limitations; and thus, in accordance which He has apportioned for us, we enter on those good things He "hath prepared."


"The Shadow of Heaven", Thoughts on Love and Death