quotations about cloning
It's a different way to begin separating out nature and nurture, and to see how different this boy would be. But I have many times been asked if my children have followed me into research -- it's something people subconsciously expect. For a clone, the pressure would be even greater. People would expect the clone to be like the original, and put expectations and limitations on them, and that's the reason why I don't like to use that technique. I think people should be wanted as individuals.
TIME, July 3, 2006
I saw the cloning
Of the famous family
I hear the droning
In the shrine of the sea monkey
"Palace of the Brine", Subbacultcha
Headless human clones will be used to grow organs and tissues for transplant surgery in 10 years' time, a leading authority on the ethics of human cloning predicted yesterday. Dr Patrick Dixon, author of The Genetic Revolution, which predicted Dolly, the first adult sheep clone, made the prediction after reports that scientists had created the embryo of a frog without a head.
"Expert predicts headless clones will be used for human organs", The Irish Times, October 20, 1997
So much of the condemnation of human cloning is not based on arguments. Most of it consists of a conditioned "yuck factor" or vague appeals to the conflict of human cloning with "our values." Left so vague, these alleged conflicts are not conflicts at all, but merely abstract versions of emotional aversions.
Who's Afraid of Human Cloning?
The FDA claims that the scientific evidence shows that food from clones is no different than other food. But any attempt to evaluate the current science on the foods safety of products from clones is doomed to fail, as there have been virtually no peer-reviewed scientific studies designed for evaluating cloned food.
"Not Ready for Prime Time: FDA's Flawed Approach to Assessing the Safety of Food from Animal Clones", March 2007
We can only hope that the first human clones will have a chance for relatively quiet lives, away from the media spotlight.
A Clone of Your Own?
As for whether cloning is intrinsically wrong I believe that if one day it becomes safe, there will be nothing intrinsically wrong about this process. I believe it will be just another way of creating a family, just like in vitro fertilization and indeed it might be a way of creating a family and avoiding hereditary genetic disease.
testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, May 18, 2001
Cloning macaque monkeys is also by no means proof humans can be cloned, said Greely. If you've cloned one primate, you haven't cloned them all, he said. The numbers are also gruesome. For the adult cell experiment, the Chinese researchers began with 290 macaque eggs, created 192 embryos and attempted to transplant 181 of those to 42 surrogate monkey mothers. That resulted in 22 pregnancies and just two baby monkeys born alive by caesarian section, but both died of respiratory failure within 30 hours. "It's very inefficient and unsafe--and if you tried that with humans you'd be criminally reckless," Greely said.
"Cloned monkeys, a first, spur inevitable questions of when human clones will follow", USA Today, January 24, 2018
The history of technology tells us that human clones will eventually be an ordinary part of the human population.
Junk Science: How Politicians, Corporations, and Other Hucksters Betray Us
The objection that human clones are copies is a direct protest against their existence based on their presumed traits. The identity fallacy leads to other stereotypes about human clones, who will be perceived as evil, unoriginal, fraudulent, inferior, zombielike, constrained, pathetic, disturbed, disgusting, indentity thieves, destroyers, a threat to democratic values, and subhuman.
Illegal Beings: Human Clones and the Law
If it is true, though, that cloning is at least arguably a form of exercising a fundamental right, then reasons for its prohibition must go beyond moral repugnance.
"Cloning and the Ethics of Public Policy"
Holland is ruled by Midgets
Pope owns CBS
Subway cars have been equipped with bars
And they're cloning Rudolph Hess
"Where the Tarantula Lives", Eat Your Paisley!
Since the time of Socrates, philosophy, at its best, has always been about questioning assumptions. The status quo has decreed that it is unthinkable to clone a human being. To which philosophy responds: "Unthinkable? Let's think about that."
Who's Afraid of Human Cloning?
She hates her own clones. She burns her own clones. Frankly, you're a career break for the right therapist.
"Time Heist", Doctor Who
Abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, for example, risk reducing the human person to a mere object: life and death to order, as it were!
speech, Jan. 13, 2003
Before we existed the cloning began
The cloning of man and woman
When we're gone they'll live on, cloned endlessly
It's mandatory in heaven
"My Clone Sleeps Alone"
People continue to believe that cloning produces prematurely aged animals despite scientific evidence to the contrary. This belief may linger because most people are not educated or interested in science and pay attention only to the most widely reported and sensationalistic science stories. Or, perhaps, the belief lingers because premature aging is consistent with other notions such as the idea that cloning is a sin of pride destined to produce shoddy products or that a clone is a duplicate that continues the lifespan of the original animal. In either case, the end result is that, even after scientific theories are proven wrong, they may live on for years, decades, or even centuries in the public mind.
Illegal Beings: Human Clones and the Law
If cloning was guaranteed to be 100% successful, a good strategy might be to clone every individual ... then allow the offspring to mature and breed naturally. The probability of losing genetic diversity would then be reduced, especially if each parent gave rise to more than two identical copies of itself.
"Wildlife conservation and reproductive cloning"
Dolly's creation was as important as the building of the atomic bomb.
"Gene Genie", BBC, May 1, 2000
Feel like you're being used
The cloning of the all-abused
A new addition to the rest of them
In the age of madness
"Age of Madness", Revolt